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HCSA has produced a detailed FAQ explaining the background to its rejection of agreement on the shape of a new national LCEA scheme. Read more ››
HCSA has lodged a claim for an inflation-busting pay award for 2022-23 to head off plunging pay and help retain an exhausted medical workforce. Read more ››
The NCEA is being replaced by the National CIA awards. We've put together a guide to the new scheme. Read more ››
HCSA President Dr Claudia Paoloni sets out the next steps in HCSA's campaign on pay - and explains why now is the time to get organised Read more ››
HCSA’s Executive has approved a new strategy on pay following the outcome of an indicative ballot of members in England. Read more ››
HCSA will be running a special advice service over the Christmas and new year period. Read more ››