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All post-graduate hospital doctors can apply for full HCSA membership.

  • Consultants
  • SAS
  • Specialty Trainees
  • Core Trainees
  • Foundation Trainees
  • Clinical Fellow/Trust Grade

Medical Students can also apply to become Associates of HCSA.

GPs do not currently qualify for membership.

Please note: We are not usually able to assist with cases which begin prior to membership of HCSA.

You will need your GMC/GDC number and bank details in order to be able to complete the joining process

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Why join HCSA? 8 Reasons to Join

1. A personalised approach

At HCSA we see you as an individual and aim to offer a timely personalised, bespoke service. We have a track record of giving expert individual workplace support and guidance through our network of highly experienced National Officers.

2. Dedication to Hospital Doctors and the Hospitals they work in

We’re run by practising doctors working in the hospital environment, experiencing the real issues, first-hand, that affect you. HCSA focuses on the pay, terms and conditions of all grades, and circumstances affecting the quality of care they provide. We are not affiliated or aligned to any political party, and are not distracted by GP matters.

3. Advice and help online or by phone

HCSA members are not alone when they face difficulties – support and advice from our experienced staff is only a click or phone call away. If your case escalates you will receive ongoing personal support from one of our National Officers.

4. Better value for money

Not only does HCSA offer a more bespoke service than the alternatives, but HCSA membersip is very reasonably priced. Current rates are available elsewhere on this page.

5. Contract checking

We provide a free contract-checking service to all hospital grades, so you can be sure that you are not being asked to do things you shouldn’t be.

6. Professional negotiators

We understand the value of professional negotiators when in discussion with Government or employers. We employ a skilled team of experienced trade unionists in order to secure the best deal possible for our members, and are Trades Union Congress affiliates. This gives us access to the resources and facilities of the mainstream trade union movement.

7. A campaigning union

We are a campaigning union which takes positions on those issues that are unique to our membership at local level, as well as a stance on wider national policy where this impacts on hospital workforces and services.

8. HCSA Legal Services

Our partnership with external lawyers gives access to preferential rates on personal legal services, including reduced rates on conveyancing, will-writing, tax planning, estates and trusts, and family and matrimonial cases. Members can also access a free personal injury service and a free half-hour legal consultation


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Membership rates 2024-5

Rates effective from October 1st 2024

Full Annual  £419
Full Monthly £35.90
Core/Specialty trainee annual £175
Core/Specialty trainee monthly £14.90
Foundation annual £58
Foundation monthly £5.25
Trust grade / clinical fellow (LED) annual £175
Trust grade / clinical fellow (LED) monthly £14.90
Student Associate Free
Retired annual £50.35
Retired monthly £4.25
Maternity/Paternity/Parental 50% discount

Annual membership is charged at a pro rata rate where applicable within first membership year (October 1st-September 30th).

Please note: We are not usually able to assist with cases which begin prior to membership of HCSA.